If you watched a marathon of romantic movies, erotic thrillers, and porn films, you’d be convinced that the female orgasm is easy to attain. Yet sadly, this is not the case. Many women do not climax easily, or at all. And the unrealistic depictions in popular culture do little to help the situation.
So, what happens if a woman doesn’t climax? How does it affect the body? Read on to discover the truth about the effects of this common condition. We give you the stats and the facts about why some women don’t climax and what it could mean for your health.
What this article covers:
Do Some Women Not Orgasm?
You’ll be surprised to know how often women orgasm from sex. Up to 80% of women say they cannot climax through penetrative sex alone. That does not mean that these women will never be able to orgasm. It merely shows that for some, penetrative sex is not the solution.
This can be remedied through clitoral stimulation or oral sex, or mutual masturbation. But what percent of women can orgasm in general? Only 10% of women easily reach orgasm. This means that 90% struggle to do so, and some of them never orgasm.
You can take matters into your own hands, quite literally, and indulge in some self-pleasure. And there is also the option of trying out a new sex position. Some positions don’t allow for good orgasms. To increase your chances of having an orgasm, try a position that allows easier stimulation of the g-spot.
The “doggy’ position works for some women, while the ‘cowgirl’ (woman on top) works for others. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Sometimes, all that’s needed is a new angle, and if that resolves the issue, that’s great. But for many women, it won’t, because a lack of orgasms can be attributed to a variety of causes.
Is It Normal for a Girl Not to Climax?
Yes, it is normal that many women experience this issue. If you don’t climax during sex, you are not alone. Many women have the same problem. But it doesn’t have to be a problem.
There are many possible reasons for this condition, and we take a look at them below. By addressing the reasons, you may find that you can start enjoying orgasms. And if not, that does not mean that there is anything wrong with you.
We are all different, and our bodies can behave differently. Just like not any woman can squirt. Not every woman will climax.
Why Some Women Don’t Have Orgasms
Why do some women not orgasm and what does it mean if a girl can’t cum? There are several reasons for this, and they can be physical, hormonal, mental, or emotional.
You may even be suffering from a combination of these, without realizing it. Let’s look at some of these reasons why you are not able to orgasm.
Stress and anxiety are common mental blocks that prevent a woman from enjoying orgasms. It could be work-related stress, anxiety about your child asleep in the next room, or anything else that stresses you out. The result will be the same. You will not be able to let yourself go and enjoy the moment.
An orgasm is the release of pent-up sexual tension that builds during arousal. You will not be able to become aroused when distracted by stressful thoughts. And even if you do feel aroused, the intrusion of anxious thoughts will prevent you from having an orgasm, as your body will remain tense.
Insecurities and Inhibitions
Emotional blocks like insecurities and inhibitions are also common culprits when a woman can’t orgasm. These emotional blocks often stem from childhood traumas, negative first-time sexual experiences, or perhaps sexual assault post-traumatic stress disorders.
It can also be something less traumatic, but just as debilitating. We’re talking about poor body image. Women with poor self-image or who grew up in homes where talking about sex was taboo, may struggle to orgasm.
Physical health reasons can also sometimes be to blame. It may be as simple as not consuming enough water, or dehydration caused by alcohol. The connective tissues that contribute to your sexual function won’t work properly without adequate fluids.
So if you’ve had a few drinks, you should have some water before getting between the sheets. Similarly, dehydration can cause sexual function issues in men. So if your male partner has been drinking, give him this piece of advice too.
Low Oxytocin Levels
Oxytocin is known as the ‘love hormone and is directly linked to physical intimacy. If your levels of this hormone are low, you may struggle to have orgasms.
This hormone is boosted by displays of affection. But if your partner rushes through sex without affection and foreplay, you will probably have low levels of this hormone.
Vaginal Dryness
When you feel physically uncomfortable during sex, an orgasm is highly unlikely. A lack of vaginal lubrication can make sex more than uncomfortable. It can be downright painful!
Every woman can experience vaginal dryness from time to time, but it is particularly common during peri-menopause and menopause. You don’t have to suffer in silence. There are several lubricants on the market that can help ease this condition.
What Happens When a Woman Doesn’t Climax?
The statistics are clear. Do all women have orgasms? No. But what happens when a woman gets aroused and doesn’t climax?
The climax of sexual activity is when the built-up sexual tension of arousal is released via an orgasm. This release is accompanied by pleasurable contractions and sensations, and this is why orgasms are so sought after.
However, some women are not able to climax and release this tension. This lack of orgasms can have some surprising effects on the body.
More Sperm in Post-Coital Flowback
Post-coital flowback is the flow of sexual material out of your vagina shortly after sex. In women who have not had orgasms, this flowback contains more sperm than in those who climaxed.
While this may sound like a good thing to many of you, women who are trying to conceive should take note. It means that most of the sperm are not making their journey to fertilize an egg.
Greater Risk of Infections
Unhealthy bacteria are flushed out, and healthy bacteria are maintained, with regular orgasms. Without orgasm as a method of expelling these unhealthy bacteria, infections may result.
This could mean that a lack of orgasms will lead to a greater risk of urinary tract and cervical infections.
Impaired Dopamine Release
Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter that your nervous system uses to communicate with other cells. This chemical messenger is also known as a natural ‘feel-good’ chemical. Your dopamine levels rise in anticipation of sex, and an orgasm.
But when you are repeatedly aroused and do not climax, something weird can happen. Your body will gradually learn not to raise dopamine levels in anticipation. This may not sound like a big deal, but impaired dopamine release has been linked to depression.
Reduced Oxytocin Levels
Remember that oxytocin hormone we mentioned earlier, known as the ‘love hormone? Turns out, a lack of oxytocin will not only reduce your chances of climaxing but not climaxing means you won’t produce oxytocin.
To put it more simply, fewer orgasms mean less oxytocin which means – you guessed it – fewer orgasms. It’s a cycle that will keep going unless you introduce ways to amp up your oxytocin with affection and cuddling. It will make a big difference to your love life and your sexual encounters.
Women who do not orgasm, are not able to release the build-up of tension in the pelvic area. Vasocongestion is the name given to the condition of unreleased pelvic congestion.
Your vulva, uterus, and ovaries and the tissues surrounding them become engorged with blood and swell during sexual arousal. If this tension is not released through orgasm, you’ll be left with a dull, achy feeling. The sensation is temporary but uncomfortable.
Orgasms are a part of the sexual experience, and it is natural for women to want to enjoy them. However, most women are not able to achieve this easily. There are several reasons for this, and you will have to do some self-examination to discover what the causes are for you.
But the good news is that in all of these cases, help is available. So take the steps you need to nurture your physical, mental, and emotional health. You’ll soon find that your sexual health and enjoyment will benefit too.
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